The CAHS is in the final stages of developing a new website.

We invite you to Click Here to visit now to view the new site and take advantage of the new features.

Once all relevant material from the old website has been transfered to the new website,
typing will automatically bring you to the new website.

Also visit the Newsflash page at to read about the latest developments.

Thanks for your patience, support, and interest!

Welcome to the CAHS website. In order to access the members area you will need to subscribe to either an Online or Traditional Account. Please choose your preferred option below..

Online Subscriptions

 Online Membership with (PDF) access to Journals. 

For those who are going paperless, on the move, or have limited funds, we are now offering an online membership. You still get all the CAHS membership benefits, but instead of receiving a hard copy of the Journal quarterly, you access it online.
Online subscribers will have access to the four digital issues of the Journal in the year they subscribe.


Traditional Memberships

 Traditional Membership for those that would like to receive the Journal. 

For those who still love holding a glossy magazine in their hands, we’ve kept our traditional membership -- but have added a two-year option that saves you money.

Please note that while the membership year begins January 1st, regardless of when you join you will receive the rest of that year’s back issues!