Formed in 1964, the CAHS Ottawa Chapter has more than 250 members today, some of whom live outside the region.
CAHS Ottawa Chapter meetings are held on the last Thursday of the month from September through May (except December) in the Bush Theatre of the Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Rockcliffe Airport, and feature guest speakers, films, slide shows, book signings, and visits to the restoration workshops of the Museum. Speakers present both first-person accounts and researched papers covering all historical periods and aspects of aviation. Recent talks have dealt with the Canadian use of specific military and civil aircraft, squadron and company histories, and the noteworthy aviation experiences of people from the Ottawa-area. Visitors are always welcome.
We also have a Research and Projects Group that meets monthly. These are very informal gatherings, where members show their current and historic aircraft slides and videos or outline some of their research interests. Again meetings are open to anyone and new faces are always welcome.
Our annual membership fees include receipt of eight issues of the newsletter, the Observair. The Observair provides a summary of each formal meeting. It also presents short historical articles and notes by members, informs members of aviation events in the Ottawa-area, offers news and reviews of aviation books, as well as notice of other articles of aviation or historical interest. Many of the our members from outside the National Capital area have joined just to receive this newsletter.
New members will be sure to meet others who share their interests in this large and diverse chapter. We make a special effort to ensure that new members are made welcome. Please join us and see for yourself!
Chapter Meetings
Date: The last Thursday of the month from September through May (except December)
Location: Bush Theatre, Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Rockcliffe Airport
Time: 1930 hours
Landing Fee: $1 for refreshments
April 25, 2019
Ottawa Registration Form
Upcoming Meetings
Upcoming Meeting Information - CAHS Ottawa Chapter Meeting
When: Thursday, April 25, 2019
Time: 1930 hours
Where: Bush Theatre, Canada Aviation and Space Museum, Rockcliffe Airport
Landing Fees: $1.00
Visitors and guests are welcome.
Click on the poster for more information.
Chapter Contact Information
Mailing Address
100 Hinchey Ave. Apt. 1116
Ottawa, ON
K1Y 4L9
Ottawa Executive
Kyle Huth
Chapter President
Ottawa, ON
Ottawa Chapter Registration Form
Download PDF Membership Registration Form

Upcoming Meetings