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Edmundston Lancaster Moved to New Home

KB882 loaded

Lancaster KB882, displayed outdoors since 1964 at Edmundston, New Brunswick, has finally been relocated to its new home at the National Air Force Museum of Canada. Shown above is the aircraft as dismantling begins to transport it to Trenton. Earlier, plans were afoot to move the bomber to the Alberta Aviation Museum in Edmonton, but that failed to happen. However, the venerable veteran has now been rescued, relocated and has a secure future. The fuselage, engines and propeller arrived at the museum on October 4, following previous arrival of the wings. Dismantling of KB882 was carried out by military and civilian technicians from the RCAF's Aerospace and Telecommunications Support Squadron and the National Air Force Museum of Canada. Target date for completion of restoration and unveiling is the 100th anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force on April 1, 2024. Photo above shows the nose section loaded for moving to its new location. (Joanna Calder photos) Click here to see the story.

Lancaster KB882