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Archaeology of a Crash:

Todd Kristensen

 B-17 Discovery and Heritage Survey in the Yukon

As any serious wreck-chaser knows, airplane crash sites are important historic resources protected by heritage legislation. In this presentation, you will venture to a remote mountainous region of the Yukon where archaeologists recently performed a heritage survey on a 1952 Boeing SB-17G Flying Fortress crash site. Learn the story of the 1952 crash, the role of B-17's in the northern U.S. air force, and see the fuselage and crash site through the eyes of archaeologists fifty years later.

Todd Kristensen is an archaeologist for Matrix Research Ltd. and conducts heritage assessments in BC, Yukon, and Alberta. He was raised in the Edmonton area and developed an interest in aviation archaeology through training in the Department of Anthropology at Memorial University in Newfoundland.