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Journal Report

Dear CAHS National Members:
Journal Volume 55 Numbers 3 (Fall 2017 cover date) and 4 (Winter 2017 cover date) are now being mailed together in the same envelope and should be with you shortly. The digital versions will be emailed to online members as PDF attachments shortly after this report goes to the newsletter editor.

With these final two editions for Volume 55 now in publication, work has resumed on Volume 56 starting with Number 1 (Spring 2018 cover date) and Number 2 (Summer 2018 cover date). I anticipate having these in the mail, most probably in another dual mailing, through March.

The later two editions of Volume 56 (Numbers 3 and 4, Fall and Winter 2018) are also in the works but at a less advanced stage. Nonetheless, some articles have been locked in and additional editorial/layout work will resume once 56-1 and 2 are with the printers.

Beyond that, we still have a good range of article submissions in house – some needing less post-submission preparation work than others. This will provide plenty of publishable material for Volume 57 (the 2019 publication year) and beyond, but more is always welcome, as it helps us maintain a wider range of subject variety (in terms of time periods and genres – biography, operational / industrial / commercial / technical histories, singular events, etc) on a per-issue basis. Please do get in touch if you would like to submit an article or photo essay of any size.

Meanwhile, here is a summary of the contents for the Fall and Winter 2017 editions now in the mail, and a preview of the Spring and Summer 2018 editions that will follow them soon …

Journal 55-3 (Fall 2017):

CAHS 55 3 sidebar bannerNASA’s Super-STOL Buffaloes: Part 2
AWJSRA – The Augmentor Wing Jet STOL Research Project
A summary overview of hardware and flight operations research activities undertaken by NASA Ames Research Center on the DHC Buffalo-based AWJSRA Proof of Concept aircraft. By Terry Higgins.

Winnett Boyd 1916-2017: Engineer, Inventor, Innovator, and Jet Engine Technology Pioneer
A welcome biographical account of an apparently underappreciated and important figure on the technology side of Canadian aviation history. By Brian McFadzen.

The Curious Case of Ernest Lloyd Janney and the Mysterious Disappearing Canadian Aviation Corps (Part 5)
In this, the concluding instalment, author Hugh Halliday continues to chronicle the postwar shenanigans of a civilian Janney through to obscurity and an unknown end.

Marginal Notes: A Popular Memoir of the First World War Casually Critiqued by one of its Characters
After a copy of the Great War classic, Wind in the Wires, came into his possession complete with tantalizing marginal notes, author Chris Shelley started down an interesting road of discovery, peeling back thin layers of fictionalization to reveal the true-life characters buried within.

Journal 55-4 (Winter 2017):

CAHS 55 4 sidebar bannerCanada’s Aviation Hall of Fame: Celebrating Canadian Aviation
CAHF Historian and CAHS Membership Secretary / National Director John Chalmers provides his annual summary of CAHF Inductees for 2017.

Pacific Western Airlines – A Quick Reference Fleet List:
The First 30 Years, 1945-1975
A comprehensive listing of the individual aircraft, from a surprisingly broad range of types, operated by one of Western Canada’s most storied airlines. Some two dozen period photos complement the tabulated data. Research and compilation by Ian M. Macdonald.

Aeroballistics Range Tests of the Avro Arrow:
A Lesser-known Investigation
Another interesting Arrow-related find from the papers of Avro aerodynamicist Ralph Waechter. By Dr. David Waechter.

NASA’s Super-STOL Buffaloes: Part 3
QSRA – The Short-haul Research Aircraft Project
A summary overview of hardware and flight operations research activities undertaken by NASA Ames Research Center on the DHC Buffalo-based QSRA Proof of Concept aircraft. By Terry Higgins.


The front covers for Journals 56-1 and 56-2 are shown in the image below. Although some content may be subject to change prior to publication, as it sits right now, they are set to include the initial instalments of extensive articles on the wood-winged Fokker bushplanes that saw widespread service in Canada and on the Canadair CL-84 Dynavert, as well as a wide array of stand-alone pieces.

CAHS Vol 56 1 and 2 preview banner

With thanks!


RCAF Airwomen Reunion

AirwomanThe 14th RCAF Airwomen Reunion will be held from June 7-9, 2019. Come and meet old friends and make new ones!

Where: Marriott Hotel, 100 Kent Street, Ottawa.

For more details, please click here.


The Canadian Aviation Moments were submitted by Dennis Casper from the Roland Groome (Regina) Chapter of the CAHS. Spoiler alert - if you read any further than each question, you will find the answer to the questions directly below. Good luck and have fun!

The Canadian Aviation Moments questions and answers for February are:

Question: What aircraft, from the Imperial Gift, were experimented with in adapting World War I war-time photographic reconnaissance methods to mapping in Canada?

Answer: “In the autumn of 1920, an Avro 504K (serial uncertain) and a Bristol F.2B (G-CYBC), flying from the Rockcliffe Rifle Ranges, experimented in adapting war-time photographic reconnaissance methods to mapping in Canada. The Avro proved unsuitable (low ceiling, vibration) and the Bristol was too sensitive at the controls to be a good photographic aircraft, but the concept was considered sound, provided better machines could be employed: the D.H.4 and D.H.9 were considered best candidates.”

Source: CAHS Journal – Vol.47 No.1 – Spring 2009 – Page 30

Question: When and who established the original Snowbirds’ team in 1971? The establishment of the Snowbirds was connected with the Centennaires in at least 2 ways. What were the two links between the Centennaires and the Snowbirds?

Answer: “Colonel O.B. Philp, former commanding officer of the Centennaires and base commander of Canadian Forces Base Moose Jaw (now 15 Wing Moose Jaw), established the original Snowbirds’ team in 1971. It was comprised of volunteer instructor pilots from the Canadian Forces Flying training School in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. They flew seven ex-Centennaire Tutor aircraft, practicing in the evenings and performing on weekends.”

Source: Snowbirds – Behind The Scenes With Canada’s Air Demonstration Team – Photographs And Text By Mike Sroka – Page 23

Question: What was the connection between Rockcliffe and W/C William Barker, VC, the famous WW1 fighter ace?

Answer: “On a tragic note, W/C William Barker, VC, the famous WW1 fighter ace, was killed at Rockcliffe on March 12th 1930, when he crashed onto the frozen Ottawa River after stalling his Fairchild KR-21 during a demonstration flight.”

Source: Airforce – The Magazine of Canada’s Air Force Heritage – Volume 28 No. 3 - Fall 2004


Upcoming Events at the Alberta Aviation Museum

Speaker Series: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Status & Future Potential in Alberta with Jordan Cicoria
Thursday February 21st at 7 PM (doors at 6:30 PM)
Learn more about exciting new technologies used in Alberta aviation in the second installment of our 2019 Speaker Series.

Jordan Cicoria is the VP of Operations for AERIUM Analytics – a Canadian RPAS (Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems) Service provider company with a strong focus on complex operations and geospatial intelligence. Having an education in Management from the University of Lethbridge, Jordan started his career in the Oil and Gas industry. With over 10 years of project management and operations experience specializing in geomatics, mapping, remote sensing, and environmental services Jordan brings an unconventional perspective to how unmanned and manned aviation can work together for the airports of the future.

Members $8, Non-Members $10 (+fees & tax)
Advance Tickets:
Light refreshments included
*advance tickets available online only, walk-up admissions are always welcome

Women of Aviation Event
Saturday March 9th , 10am – 4pm
Opening of our new permanent exhibit "Women in the Second World War"
Guest displays from the Edmonton Flying Club, Elevate Aviation, Synergy Aviation, the RCAF Women’s Association, and more.
Guest Speaker 1pm: Dr. Shawna Pandya, Citizen Scientist-Astronaut Candidate
Admission at the door, regular admission rates apply.

Blatchford Boogie Woogie
Wanted! Jivers & Jitterbugs!
There’s no need to ration your fun this Spring. Kick off the new season with fun and frolic at the Alberta Aviation Museum’s Blatchford Boogie Woogie. We promise a swell time at our 1940s themed event with a bang-up crowd and snappy little band.

Doors: 7 PM
Museum access: 7 PM – 9 PM
Live entertainment from C-Jam Big Band and Sugar Swing Dance Club
General Admission: $30
Seniors, Students, & Members: $25


Registration is now open for the 2019 CAHS Convention and AGM. The convention will take place 22 - 25 May, at the John Abbott College in the village of Ste Anne de Bellevue, west of Montreal, Quebec. There will be a tour of the Montreal Aviation Museum and other local aviation attractions, a banquet, and the opportunity to meet others who share your passion for aviation. The committee is selecting convention speakers now, but we are very pleased to announce that our banquet speaker will be John Maris, a 2018 inductee into Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame. John is an engaging speaker whose presentation will be interesting to all.

To register for the convention, please complete this form:
and send your payment by cheque, made out to CAHS, to Box 2700 Station D, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5W7
or by electronic transfer to
Your registration will be confirmed once payment is received.

courtyardThe link to register at the convention hotel is here:
Courtyard Marriott West Island / Baie d'Urfe
The rate is $142 per night, plus taxes, for double occupancy, $152 per night plus taxes for three, and $162 per night plus taxes for four people.

Budget accommodations are available at the dormitory. Please indicate on the registration form that you would like us to make a reservation for you. Dorm accommodations must be paid in advance.

We look forward to seeing you at our convention!


This is something I thought the readers might find of interest. A brand new historic aviation publication called Wingleader Magazine, based out of the UK. The magazine is free in digital format, paid for by advertising and sponsorships. They are also selling paper compendium copies. To view the first issue on-line, click here.

- Adam Hunt

Magazine excerpt: In each issue, we aim to cover many genres such as aviation art, modelling, archaeology, personalities, history, etc.


Tiger Boys Fly-Ins draw aviation fans to Guelph Airpark

Photos and report by Gord McNulty, CAHS Vice President

The popularity of fly-ins throughout the season at Guelph Airpark in southern Ontario continues to grow. Aviation fans, including numerous CAHS members, find a visit to Guelph invariably offers something special. The impressive variety of classic aircraft, homebuilts of every description and vintage, Second World War trainers and more is hard to beat, as is the camaraderie among pilots, photographers and enthusiasts young and old.

Beginning in May, fly-in barbecues take place every Thursday evening. The Tiger Boys, Tom Dietrich and Bob Revell, who have collected and restored historic aircraft for more than 35 years, host the fly-ins at their hangar. Visitors savour homemade burgers, salad and butter tarts and an opportunity to catch up on “hangar flying.” In September, the Tiger Boys host their annual two-day Open House which attracts a colourful array of aircraft.

Guelph is invariably a lively scene. I had just arrived at a BBQ in June, for example, when accomplished aerobatic pilot Hella Comat of Burlington flew in with her Pitts Special S1-T, C-FWTT. Hella gave an excellent presentation on her career to the Toronto Chapter in December, 2016. The report is in in Vol.51, No. 4 of the Flypast Newsletters link of the Chapter website,

It was also the first time I had seen the Tiger Boys rare Corben Super Ace, CF-I0X, which had recently arrived on display. Proudly sporting No. 12 on the fuselage, this Ford Model A-powered aircraft was the twelfth built at the Corben factory in Chicago.

“Big Red,” a beautiful Stinson Reliant, C-FATE, was among the highlights of the busy Open House on Sept. 15. This impressive ‘Stinson Gullwing’ is based by Ross Adams at Burlington, ON, in summer and Calgary in winter. Speaking of Pitts, Bill Ludwig of Chatham, ON, flew his Pitts Special S1-T C-GBKF from Chatham, in southwestern Ontario, to Guelph in a 54-minute flight.

I’ve barely touched the bases of all of the action but, hopefully, even this brief account provides an indication that Guelph has much to offer.

Stinson Reliant C FATE Big Red at Guelph Sept 15 2018 Based at Burlington in the summer and Calgary in the winter

Stinson Reliant C-FATE, Big Red, at Guelph, Sept. 15, 2018. Based at Burlington in the summer and Calgary
in the winter.

Corben Super Ace CF IOX of Guelph Tiger Boys 12th one built by Corben in Chicago Ford Model A engine June 28 2018

Corben Super Ace, CF-IOX, of Guelph Tiger Boys, 12th one built by Corben in Chicago. Ford Model A engine.
June 28, 2018.

The cockpit of the Corben Super Ace with original Corben Sport Plane Co nameplate and lubrication recommendations

The cockpit of the Corben Super Ace with original Corben Sport Plane Co. nameplate and lubrication recommendations.

Pitts Special S1 T C FWTT was flown in by accomplished aerobatic pilot Hella Comat June 28 2018

Pitts Special S1-T, C-FWTT, was flown in by accomplished aerobatic pilot Hella Comat. June 28, 2018.

Pitts Special S1 T at Guelph flown in from Chatham ON by Bill Ludwig Sept 15 2018

Pitts Special S1-T at Guelph, flown in from Chatham, ON by Bill Ludwig. Sept. 15, 2018.

A smooth landing at Guelph by Bill Ludwig in Pitts Special ST1 C GBKF Sept 15 2018

A smooth landing at Guelph by Bill Ludwig in Pitts Special S1-T C-GBKF, Sept. 15, 2018.

1929 Pietenpol C IKRO of the Tiger Boys was the fourth built by Bernard Pietenpol 40 hp Model A engine June 28 2018

1929 Pietenpol C-IKRO of the Tiger Boys was the fourth built by Bernard Pietenpol. 40 hp Model A engine 
June 28, 2018.

DH82A Tiger Moth Woody C GMTH of the Tiger Boys in its eye catching paint scheme June 28 2018

DH82A Tiger Moth 'Woody,' C-GMTH, of the Tiger Boys in its eye-catching paint scheme. June 28, 2018.

Taylor E 2 Cub CF ANT built in 1935 was the first Cub to fly in Canada Guelph Sept 15 2018

Taylor E-2 Cub CF-ANT, was the first Cub to fly in Canada.

Vintage Cubs at Guelph Piper J 2 CF BBY and Taylor E 2 CF ANT Sept 15 2018

Vintage Cubs at Guelph, Piper J-2 CF-BBY and Taylor E-2 CF-ANT, Sept. 15, 2018.

A newly completed VP 1 Volksplane and the Tiger Boys vintage Ford truck are in the foreground at the lineup on Sept 15 2018

A newly completed VP-1 Volksplane and the Tiger Boys vintage Ford truck are in the foreground at the lineup on Sept. 15, 2018.


Welcome to our newest Museum Member!

By John Chalmers
CAHS National Membership Secretary

The Hangar Flight Museum in Calgary is the 19th Canadian aviation museum to take out Museum Membership with the CAHS. Formerly known as the Aero Space Museum of Calgary, founded in 1975, it is located near the Calgary International Airport on McCall Way, named for Calgarian native, Freddie McCall, a famed pilot who was an ace of the First World War. McCall’s story is told in Maverick in the Sky, one of several aviation books by CAHS member, Shirley Matheson.

CF 100 1

The CF-100 at the Hangar Flight Museum in Calgary is one of the oldest surviving aircraft of its type. It was painted black to resemble the paint scheme on the first CF-100 prototype. The museum is now raising funds to restore the aircraft. (Chalmers photo)

A recent call for donations in the CAHS newsletter resulted in members responding to contribute to the cause. Restoration of the Avro Canada CF-100 Canuck, an interceptor/fighter, is expected to cost $325,000. The City of Calgary will contribute 75% of the cost if the Museum is able to raise its share of $82,000. Time and weather have taken their toll on the aircraft even more so, since the photo above was taken a few years ago.

On behalf of the CAHS, national president Gary Williams has written a letter of support in the museum’s application for a grant from the Alberta Historical Resources Foundation. “The members of CAHS look forward to the successful completion of the restoration of this aircraft that will enrich the record of Canada’s aviation heritage and history,” stated Williams.

Aircraft and a large exhibit of aircraft engines are displayed in the Hangar Flight Museum’s main building, which was constructed as a wartime drill hall, built in the style of hangars of the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan. An adjacent huge tent-like structure houses several aircraft, including a Lancaster, one of two located in Alberta. The other Lanc is at the Bomber Command Museum of Canada in Nanton, an hour south of Calgary. Both museums were visited by attendees at the 2018 CAHS convention, which was held in Calgary.

CF 100 2

The museum’s CF-100 has been in Alberta for the past 64 years. It was moved with No. 3 Operational Training Unit to Cold Lake in 1955 and has been on display outdoors in Calgary since 1973. As of the beginning of 2019, the Hangar Flight Museum has raised over 75% of its share of its restoration cost. (Chalmers photo)