

This is a research request from Lukas Wagner:

My name is Lukas Wagner, I'm a journalist from Germany. Currently I'm working on a story about the town of Gander, Newfoundland. I've been visiting Gander last year to get some impressions and find protagonists for a documentary. Click here for a link to my first trailer.

At the moment, I'm looking for experts and scholars who did some research about the history of the international airport in Gander and its role throughout history. Especially the role of Gander during the Cold War – as a place where West and East met – is my focus. I hope that you can help me with some good sources or experts in this field.

You can reach me via e-mail or phone.
Looking forward to hear from you!

All the Best,

Lukas Wagner
editor NZZ
Bräunerstrasse 11/3
1010 Vienna, Austria
+43 680 3163509