
Vancouver ChapterOur chapter works to preserve the aviation history and heritage of the province of British Columbia. To achieve this, we hold monthly meetings that vary from guest speakers, slide shows, power point presentations, videos, and trivia quizzes.  Come out, and enjoy an evening of entertainment and learning with fellow aviation enthusiasts of all ages!


Meeting and Membership Information

Meetings: LAST MONDAY of the month, except for July, August and December, when we do not meet.
Note also that this does NOT mean the 4th Monday, as some months have 5 Mondays!

Location: Richmond Cultural Centre, 7700 Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, British Columbia (See Map)
Time: 1900 Hours
Landing Fee: $2
Annual Fee:  $10

  • Upcoming Meeting Information - CAHS Vancouver Chapter Meeting

    Date: April 29, 2019

    Time: 1900 hours (7 PM)

    Location: Richmond Cultural Centre, Minoru Boulevard, Richmond, B.C.

  • Chapter Mailing Address

    CAHS Vancouver
    3489 Lakedale Avenue
    Burnaby, British Columbia,
    V5A 3E2

    Vancouver Executive

    Jerry Vernon
    President - Vancouver Chapter
    (604) 420-6065
    Burnaby, BC
    Jim Jorgenson
    Treasure - Vancouver
    (604) 224-3184

  • Upcoming Meeting Information 2018

    Meeting dates for 2018 will be as follows (mark your calendars):

    Monday, September 24th
    Monday, October 29th
    Monday, November 26th
    No meeting in December